How many ropes do I need for shibari? A helpful guide
There’s one question we get asked more than any other: how many ropes do I need for shibari? Here's a helpful guide to help you decide.
Where are you at in your journey?
if you're just starting out and need rope to practice beginner techniques, 2 lengths of rope are perfect. This is why we put together the First Jute Kit and the Super Beginner Kit, one comes with shears and once with shears and a guide book.
Don't buy more than you need at first because you can always add ropes to your kit as you progress into your shibari journey.
If you already know what you're doing - i.e. you've done some classes, you know some harnesses, you're ready to play - 4 to 8 ropes is what we recommend. 4 ropes is the minimum for a complete scene as we usually use 2 ropes for the upper body and 2 ropes for the lower body for basic harnesses. If you're tying more involved harnesses then 6-8 ropes gives you extra possibilities.
This is why we put together the Anatomie Kit and the Shibari Study kit.
If you're moving into suspensions (please get tuition for this), we recommend a minimum of 8 ropes to give you plenty of options regarding harnesses and uplines. Our Air Time kit was created with this is mind.
Lastly, for the experts (those moving into full suspension and transitions), we would recommend 12 ropes or more to give you ample opportunities for play and practice. This is why we put together the Complete Shibari Kit, which also comes with all the extra materials you might need for full suspensions.
If all you need is the rope itself, you can also buy bundles of rope in sets of 4, 8 and 12, or of course in individual lengths. And if you're budget conscious, have a look at our Grade B stock.
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Where are you at in your journey?
if you're just starting out and need rope to practice beginner techniques, 2 lengths of rope are perfect. This is why we put together the First Jute Kit and the Super Beginner Kit, one comes with shears and once with shears and a guide book.
Don't buy more than you need at first because you can always add ropes to your kit as you progress into your shibari journey.
If you already know what you're doing - i.e. you've done some classes, you know some harnesses, you're ready to play - 4 to 8 ropes is what we recommend. 4 ropes is the minimum for a complete scene as we usually use 2 ropes for the upper body and 2 ropes for the lower body for basic harnesses. If you're tying more involved harnesses then 6-8 ropes gives you extra possibilities.
This is why we put together the Anatomie Kit and the Shibari Study kit.
If you're moving into suspensions (please get tuition for this), we recommend a minimum of 8 ropes to give you plenty of options regarding harnesses and uplines. Our Air Time kit was created with this is mind.
Lastly, for the experts (those moving into full suspension and transitions), we would recommend 12 ropes or more to give you ample opportunities for play and practice. This is why we put together the Complete Shibari Kit, which also comes with all the extra materials you might need for full suspensions.
If all you need is the rope itself, you can also buy bundles of rope in sets of 4, 8 and 12, or of course in individual lengths. And if you're budget conscious, have a look at our Grade B stock.
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